Healthcare Processes Consulting
ACS's consulting team provides exceptional solutions for the healthcare challenges facing today's correctional facilities. Our diverse group of consultants take a comprehensive approach to each case in order to tailor to the specific needs of our client.
ACS consultants are subject matter experts in a number of fields within the correctional environment including:
• Case Management
• Utilization Review
• Strategic Planning
• Medical
• Nursing
• Pharmacy
• Electronic Medical Records
• Healthcare Budgets
ACS emphasizes the need for an integrated healthcare system in which both custody and healthcare staff work together seamlessly. Our consulting methods ensure that the quality of medical services in your correctional facility meet constitutional standards in the following areas: CCR Title 15, CMA/IMQ, and NCCHC.
ACS's unique strategies have been proven to be cost-effective and helpful for the institutions in which we operate in the following ways:
• Decrease transportation costs
• Optimize productivity of custody staff
• Decrease clinical visits
• Greater security for staff and inmates